
Wednesday 13 August 2014

Thank you for reading my blog

I'm delighted with the response to my blog which i started a short time ago.  To the 342 people that have read my blog to date i thank you all, if you find it interesting share it with others. I'm struggling to keep it going to be honest. I started it to gain experience in putting myself out there and it has been some journey. My biggest problem has been opening myself up to you in the WWW. At the same time I have got so much encouragement from the experience. I hope it will grow and you will continue to find it interesting.
I have started uploading photographs onto Flickr  this link should get you there if you are interested in checking out my work. I'm not struggling for photographs as  i have thousands. It's time I need more of.

As I mentioned in a previous post  I am working on a new body of work.   It involves my concept of me, the spirit, nature, rocks, the sky and how we all fit  into this life. It's far from finished and the thinking behind it is a little off the wall but here goes.

I did warn you. I'm not happy with the sky in this image so I have a bit of work to do to sort it out. These are all self portraits. I had to pop the camera on the tripod and use a remote release for this image and then there was a lot of editing to do in photoshop to get it to this stage. I couldn't begin to describe how to do it. There are some brilliant videos on youtube though that go through it in every detail. This is my spirit self.

This is just for fun. I'm having a mermaid moment, the seaweed is my hair extensions.  Again the camera is on a tripod and i used the timer with the remote release.

This is in tune with the first photograph. It's about looking for strength and taking it from the rock. it gets wakier but this is just a taste of what I'm working on. I would love some feed back, my email for this blog is 

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